12 Ways Your Cat Is Silently Telling You It’s Happy
A happy cat means a happy owner. But how can you tell if your cat is truly happy? Cats are pretty independent, quiet creatures, which can make it hard to know if they are happy. But we have 12 things you can look for that are all sure signs that your feline friend is content and living their best life. Be sure to look for these signs often to make sure your cat is happy every day!
Healthy Appetite
Cats who eat a good amount on a regular schedule are well-balanced, content cats. Cats should eat a consistent diet, and they will tend to eat at the same time every day. While you can choose to set up an automatic feeder and leave your cat’s food out all day long, you should still try to pay attention to when and how much they eat. Highly stressed, upset cats will start to avoid meals or often overeat. But a kitty who happily eats its meal and then goes on with its day is a content cat.
Enjoys Your Company
A social cat is usually a happy cat. When your cat seeks your attention and wants to be with you, it is a relaxed cat who is comfortable with its surroundings. When your cat runs to you when you come home and snuggles up on your lap, it is pretty happy! Not all cats are cuddlers, but they should still be relaxed around you and never run away in a scared manner.
Purring Loudly
Most cat owners know that hearing a purr is a good thing. Cats typically purr when they are feeling happy and calm. Mother cats purr to communicate with their kittens, helping to create a bonding experience and a sense of security. However, too much purring can be a sign of stress, so be sure to read your cat’s actions and mood to make sure that the purr you love to hear is one of contentment.
Eyes Closed Petting
If you are petting your cat and notice that it slowly starts to close its eyes, it is a definite sign that it is happy. A cat that closes its eyes while being pet is comfortable with you and trusts you completely. It is relaxed enough to start to fall asleep under your soothing hands. Now, that is true happiness! Whatever you do, don’t stop petting that happy cat.
Playful Personality
Cats that enjoy playing tend to be happy cats. If your cat loves to bat at a feather toy, chase around a ball, or run after a laser pointer, they are probably enjoying life. Make time in your day to play with your cat so that you can be part of their joy! Give them plenty of toys so they keep their playful nature alive. You don’t have to spend too much on toys as a happy feline will find the fun in even the most simple things.
A curious cat is a content cat. Cats are naturally curious creatures. They love to explore and discover new things. You may find your cat in some strange places such as in a box, behind a bedframe or even on top of a bookshelf. When you see your cat acting inquisitively, exploring your home, and looking for adventure, you can rest assured that it is a happy, well-balanced pet.
Deep Sleepers
You may wonder why your cat sleeps so much and if that has anything to do with how they are feeling. Cats naturally sleep between 12 and 18 hours a day! So, while your cat may be sleeping most of the time, a deep sleep actually means they are feeling good. Cats who are able to relax and rest are well-adjusted and happy. Watch your cats sleeping patterns and make sure they are fairly consistent. Cats are also creatures of habit and will tend to sleep at the same times every day. Just another sign that they are happy!
Happy Posture
Take a look at your cat’s posture and body language. Do they walk around confidently, with their tail up? Do they walk at a slow and steady pace? If they do, then they are a pretty relaxed, content cat! Scared or stressed cats will run and race from place to place, often with their tail down. Happy cats take their time and know that they have nothing to fear.
Rubbing On You
Cats like to rub against people, furniture, and toys to put their scent onto everything. If your cats like to rub their body on everything, it means they are claiming your home as their own. Your feline friend is just putting it’s scent onto it’s territory. They are happy where they are and with you! If your little kitty rubs against your leg all the time, take it as a compliment.
Makes Friends
Does your cat get along with other pets? Or maybe they are very kind to new people. If your cat is social and outgoing around other pets and humans, they are likely pretty happy. While not all cats are very social, they should still never be afraid or scaerd of new people and pets. As long as they are not acting out or misbehaving, it is a good sign! And, a cat that overly social is definitely a calm, confident cat.
Litter Box Pro
Cats who consistently use the litter box are well-adjusted. They behave the way they were trained and in a way that comes naturally to them. Cats instinctively like to dig before they go to the bathroom, which is why they love litter boxes. A cat that does not have accidents is a healthy, happy cat.
Kneading and Scratching
Using their paws and claws is something that cats should do all the time. Scratching helps keep their nails short and healthy. When you see your kitty pawing at the bed or scratching on a post, they are behaving the way a cat should! Encourage them to scratch at designated spots, such as a scratching post, rather than on your couch or furniture. A cat that likes to scratch is a happy cat.