Common Mistakes to Steer Clear of When Adventuring Solo for the First Time

As an experienced traveler who recently went solo, I wish I had known many things before getting on the plane. Being a female traveling alone can be intimidating, especially for the first time, so here are 12 avoidable mistakes to look out for when embarking on a solo maiden voyage.

Failing to Budget

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Ensure you have a practical budget before, during, and after the trip. Don’t financially cripple yourself for a night at luxury accommodation if you can’t afford it. Remember, the true essence of travel lies not in extravagance but in the memories and experiences you gather along the way

Neglecting to Do Research

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“Just winging it” does not work when traveling. It is essential and respectful to learn about the culture and traditions of your destination and the best conduct practices. Take the time to educate yourself about local customs, etiquette, and any cultural sensitivities to ensure a smooth and enriching experience for both yourself and the communities you visit.

Appearing Lost & Confused

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Looking vulnerable makes you an immediate target. Even if you need your map to get around, use your phone instead, keep your head up, and always look inconspicuous. Maintaining situational awareness and projecting confidence can deter potential threats and help you navigate unfamiliar environments safely. Opt for discreet navigation tools, such as smartphone maps, and avoid drawing unnecessary attention to yourself.

Being Too Rigid With Plans

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Beat the stress and last-minute plan changes with some leeway in your schedule. You never know when a new opportunity will arise, and this will save you money on those notorious cancellation fees. Flexibility is key to navigating the uncertainties of travel, allowing you to adapt to unexpected circumstances and seize spontaneous adventures along the way.

Not Taking Care of Your Body

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Not sleeping enough, eating the wrong foods, and drinking too much are detrimental to your body and can weaken your immune system while traveling. To avoid getting sick, make sure to bring supplements to fight off illness.

Choosing the Wrong Accommodation

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Read all reviews, study all pictures, and research the neighborhood before deciding on your accommodation and type of stay. While many solo travelers love hostels, it is imperative to make sure you choose a destination that is right for you.

Arriving at Your Destination After Dark

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Women should proceed cautiously regardless of where they travel, as arriving alone at night can be a significant safety risk. Always try to schedule flights and transfers during the day to avoid the dangers of the dark.


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Don’t throw out your back with a heavy load—make a realistic packing list that accounts for all the shopping you’ll be doing. Packing light not only saves you from unnecessary strain but also provides flexibility for unexpected purchases. Prioritize versatile clothing and essentials, and consider options like compression packing cubes to maximize space efficiency.

Feeling Fearful

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Never go in fearing the worst as you are traveling. If something seems off, trust your intuition, but do not create worst-case scenarios without reason.

Being too Passive

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As a solo female traveler, it is essential to stand your ground and assert yourself when necessary. Sticking up for yourself is not rude and can prevent you from being taken advantage of in a stressful situation.

Trusting Strangers too Quickly

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Always watch your back, be cautious, and never go off with a stranger, no matter how nice they may seem. Trusting your instincts and prioritizing personal safety is paramount, especially in unfamiliar surroundings. Consider using trusted transportation services and accommodations recommended by reliable sources. By staying vigilant and proactive in safeguarding yourself, you can enjoy your travels with confidence and peace of mind

Bringing Your Baggage With You

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Leave the drama at home. Travel can only be enjoyed when living in the present moment, and letting it go can introduce you to new perspectives. Ultimately, you may even realize how insignificant your troubles were, no matter how big they seemed earlier.

Solo travel is an empowering experience; every woman should try it at least once. When you head off on your independent journeys, remember this advice!

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