Easy Time-Saving Tricks Every Busy Person Needs to Know

When was the last time you ticked off all the tasks on your to-do list? If you can’t remember, you landed on the right page. Here are 12 time-saving tips every busy person needs to know to maximize their productivity without compromising their health. 

Be aware of your energy levels 

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Are you an early bird or a night owl? There is no point in scheduling a hundred tasks in the morning if that’s when you’re least productive. Understanding your own natural rhythms can help optimize productivity and effectiveness throughout the day.

Pomodoro technique 

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The Pomodoro Technique consists of focusing intensely on a single task for 25 minutes, followed by a five-minute break. After four Pomodoro sessions, you can take a longer break, usually 15 to 30 minutes. You’ll be impressed by the amount of work you’ll be able to finish with a few quick 25-minute sessions!

Take breaks 

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Busy people often avoid breaks to make the most out of their time, but this is highly counterproductive. According to Harvard Business Review, contrary to common beliefs, taking breaks during working hours is a great strategy to boost productivity.

Cook in bulks, but smartly

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Despite what some Youtubers out there want us to believe, no one likes to eat the same dish every night. Meal prepping can be a great idea to save time, but only if done smartly. Instead of cooking five identical dinners, prepare some basic ingredients that will help you create unique dishes throughout the week, such as fresh hummus, steamed rice, and roasted veggies. 

Reduce screen time 

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People often waste plenty of time on social media without even realizing it. Try a digital detox for a few days, and you will be surprised by the extra time you will suddenly have at your disposal. Moreover, excessive use of social media not only consumes time but can also negatively impact mental health. Implementing will promote overall well-being and a greater sense of balance in life.


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Learning to delegate is fundamental if you want your business to flourish. According to Forbes, this can be achieved in four easy steps: find the right person, provide clear instructions, train and empower your team, and review the task. 

Learn to say no

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This can be especially tricky for people-pleasers, but saying no is essential if you’re struggling with time management. Prioritize what truly matters to you and learn to politely decline whatever invitation won’t enrich your life. 

Digital reset

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We all know that it is incredibly hard to focus when you’re immersed in a messy work environment, this is why most people tend to regularly clean their desks. However, the same cannot be said about their laptops. Having a tidy desktop can make a massive difference, helping you to bring clarity to your life and get more done in less time. 

Don’t multitask

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Have you ever checked your emails while talking on the phone? Then you know that multitasking doesn’t work. Your brain cannot focus on two tasks at the same time, so choose one and stop wasting your time. Attempting to multitask can actually reduce efficiency and productivity, as the brain must constantly switch between tasks, leading to mental fatigue and decreased performance.

Minimize distractions 

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Minimizing distractions is a great way to boost your productivity. Turn off your phone, listen to deep-focus music, and enter the working flow. Consider utilizing tools such as noise-canceling headphones, organizing your workspace, and utilizing productivity apps to help maintain focus and enter a state of flow while working.

Use technology 

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Technology can help us save plenty of time. From digital calendars to apps blocking the screen of your phone whenever you need to concentrate and time-tracking tools, nowadays, there are plenty of options to help you master your time management skills. 

Just do it

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Do you have hundreds of little tasks on your to-do list that can be done in less than five minutes? Stop postponing them and do them right now! This will help you clear your mind from superfluous chores and focus on what truly matters.

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