The Secret Side of Yoga You May Not Know
Yoga has surged in popularity over the past few decades, with everyone from school kids to seniors in retirement communities embracing the practice. However, there are some important insights about yoga that beginners often miss. These surprising facts are a must-read if you’re considering starting yoga. They’ll not only amaze you but also equip you with the knowledge to begin your yoga journey with confidence and clarity.
Yoga Doesn’t Require Fancy Gear
Sure, it’s nice to show up to yoga class in the latest matching set with brand-new yoga blocks and a top-notch mat, but these things aren’t essential to your practice and shouldn’t hold you back. You can practice yoga without breaking the bank on gear and clothing. All you need is a yoga mat and someone to guide you through your practice.
Breathing Is More Important Than Perfect Poses
Having a sharp, clear focus on your breath is arguably more important than whether or not you’re holding the pose perfectly – and this is coming from a yoga teacher. Regardless of how advanced the pose is, you’re missing out on the best benefits if you aren’t consciously moving the breath. This will surely be challenging at the beginning but with time it will become natural.
Yoga Isn’t Just for Flexibility
You don’t have to dedicate your whole life to becoming a yogi, but you should acknowledge that a yoga practice is far more than just stretching and being flexible. Yoga benefits the mind, the spirit, strength training, balance, and overall fitness. This is why so many professional athletes are now implementing yoga practices to make the most of all its benefits.
Not Every Class Will Be Zen
Yoga classes can sometimes be challenging or emotionally intense, and that’s perfectly normal. It’s part of the deeply connecting practice to experience the wide range of emotions that you are equipped with, and it doesn’t make it a less successful yoga session if you don’t feel peace the entire time. Especially at the beginning find that peace of mind will probably be challenging.
Yoga Teachers Are Constantly Learning Too
There is an endless journey in life of learning and growth, and we’re all here for the ride, including the teachers in your life. It’s okay to feel like you’ll never be done learning in your yoga practice because I can assure you your teacher isn’t done learning either. However, try to see this as an extra challenge enhancing your practice rather than a negative point.
It’s Okay To Modify Poses
I’ve seen a lot of people give up on yoga and even quit before they start because they convince themselves, “I can’t do that yoga pose!”. And while that might be true, what they can do is modify the pose, which is completely fine. You will never be able to hold a pose or stretch if you don’t start somewhere. Remember, yoga is never a competition.
Yoga Can Help You Manage Stress, But It’s Not a Quick Fix
Oftentimes, people stop practicing yoga after a week because they do not see substantial, immediate “fixes” to their stress and relaxation. The immediate results of yoga lie in the power of presence in your practice, which is an individual experience for each session. There are far more long-term benefits of incorporating yoga into your stress management routine.
Not Every Pose Is Suitable For Every Person
It’s perfectly fine to acknowledge that a certain pose or stretch isn’t suitable for your body or physiology at present. A person’s individual anatomy/physical conditions may require modifications or alternative poses – and there’s nothing wrong with that. Some people may never be able to do a certain pose, but this doesn’t mean they won’t become pros!
Yoga Is About Mindfulness, Not Competition
When we see the most bendy girl in glass holding a perfect scorpion pose, we can feel a bit of envy, and maybe even the urge to try to one-up her to prove ourselves. But it’s important to shift your mindset from competing with others to focusing on your own journey and growth. That same girl may not be able to do a pose that comes absolutely natural to you!
Your Yoga Practice Will Evolve Over Time
In your yoga journey, you’ll learn so many new things about the practice and yourself as well. As you grow, ebb, and flow through life your yoga practice will go through the same journey as it progresses and evolves with you. In just a few months, you will be able to see how much you have improved in your strength, flexibility, as well as control over your breath.
Consistency Is Key, But It’s Okay to Take Breaks
Consistency is where we find real growth, and the same is true in your yoga practice. But remember it’s okay to take breaks from time to time. Don’t beat yourself up over missing a day or two and give yourself permission to rest when needed. If your start feeling guilty for skipping a class you should probably reconsider your relationship with exercise.
Yoga Is A Journey, Not A Destination
You experience the real sweetness and magic of yoga when you think of it as a journey and not some destination that you keep waiting to arrive at. Through a yoga practice, you can cultivate mindfulness, peace, presence, and gratitude, just to mention a few. Focus on the process of personal growth and not necessarily what results you want to achieve.
Yoga Has No Age
Yoga has no age! If you’ve never been to a yoga class, you will probably be surprised to find elderly people there, too. Even more shocking than this will be the realization that the retired woman next to you is way fitter than you are! Of course, as we mentioned earlier, yoga is not a competition, but try to be inspired by the fitness level of the elderly in your class.
Yoga Is Not Easy
Yoga is often associated with the wrong belief that this is an easy form of training, but this activity can be incredibly challenging. Muscular guys going to the gym five times a week may end their yoga class covered in sweat. So, if you’ve never tried it for fear that it won’t be challenging enough, this is your sign to take that leap of faith. You will probably be positively impressed.
Anyone Can Start Doing Yoga
No matter if you are overweight, older, or completely out of shape, you can start doing yoga today and be successful. Since yoga can be modified and altered to fit your personal needs, it is an exercise that anyone can do. Kids can do yoga right alongside their grandparents! Those just starting out on a fitness journey can jump into a yoga class with people who have been studying for years. It is truly an equalizing activity.
It Will Lead You To Other Mindful Practices
Many people practicing yoga will soon try other mindful practices, too. These can range from meditating to journalling and gratitude practices. This is because, for most, yoga is the first approach to mindfulness, which can be truly transformative. Once you enter this realm, you realize its many positive effects on you, so you end up opting for a deep dive into spirituality and mindfulness.
Yoga Can Be Done Anywhere
You don’t need to be in a fitness center or on the top of a mountain to do yoga. You can do it anywhere. YOu don’t even need much more space than a few square feet. Roll out your yoga mat in a local park, or just turn on a yoga video in your bedroom. As long as you are calm, focused, and ready to do yoga, you can start! This is one of the best things about yoga and one that many people seem to dismiss.