12 signs people around you are secretly draining your energy

Have you ever felt like your emotions or energy levels are on a constant roller coaster when you’re with certain people? It might be more than just a lack of sleep or work that’s making you feel like this, sometimes the people in our lives can drain us of our energy unknowingly. Here are 12 things you can look for to see if this might be happening to you:

the Drama magnet

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This is the friend that somehow always has a whirlwind of drama around them, but instead of dealing with it and moving on, they stay stuck in it and like to suck others in with them. These people thrive off chaos and can’t find a way to live comfortably without it. It’s okay to offer support, especially to those you love, but being constantly bombarded with their tactics can leave you emotionally drained.

Negative Nancy

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Even if it’s a beautiful sunny day, a negative Nancy can find something to be upset and irritated over. It’s like they have a dark cloud that follows them around and they need other people to join them because as they say, misery loves company. This energy can be contagious and leave you feeling down after spending prolonged time around it, so it’s important to hold tight to your spark of positivity and light and share it.

Energy Vampires

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They may not be blood-sucking or sleep in coffins and only come out at night, but they do feed off of you in a different sort of way. Energy vampires need your uplifting, positive energy. They siphon from your energy reserves because taking from others gives them energy in a way they haven’t figured out how to produce for themselves. You likely feel irritable and tired after spending too much time around a person like that.

The constant Complainer

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With these people, every little inconvenience becomes an event to be drawn out and complained about. Venting can be therapeutic, but there’s a difference between venting to someone who has the energy to receive you and being constantly stuck in a negative loop of complaining to anyone within earshot about every small thing. Gently encourage these people to find solutions, and look for the brighter side.

Overly Needy

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Constant calls, texts, and demands for attention from an overly needy friend or relative can really exhaust your mental and emotional resources. It’s okay to set boundaries and carve out time for yourself without feeling guilty instead of playing into their needs constantly.

Always in competition

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This is the person who turns every interaction into a competition from achievements to personal experiences. Friendly competition can be fun, but an overly competitive friend can leave you feeling inadequate or stressed. Life is not always about winning and proving who’s better than who.

The dream crusher

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Some people are constantly shooting down your dreams and creative ideas. They tend to dismiss and belittle your aspirations and leave you feeling extremely deflated and defeated. If you allow this to continue for too long you run the risk of believing them, and then becoming a dream crusher yourself. Surround yourself with people who support the goals and dreams you have in life, uplift you, and encourage you to go after them.

The guilt-tripper

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These are the people in your life who have a knack for making you feel guilty about everything, from saying no to not meeting their expectations. Recognize that you’re not responsible for their emotions and prioritize your own well-being.

Emotional Black holes

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This person’s emotional needs seem never-ending, and you find yourself constantly trying to fill a void. No matter what, nothing is ever enough to console them or help them. While empathy is essential, it’s crucial to your energy to maintain your emotional boundaries with them.

Chronic gossiper

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Gossiping can be harmless and even a part of certain aspects of society. However, when it becomes a constant habit, it can create a toxic environment for you. Avoid getting drawn into conversations with people who always steer them to a negative, hateful stream of words.

The time thief

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A time thief is someone who always seems to need your time and attention, leaving you with little room for self-care, personal activities, or “you” time. You must learn to prioritize your time and communicate your needs effectively to them.

The energy zapper

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Some people simply have a draining effect on you, even without any specific behaviors. Trust your instincts, especially if your intuition alerts you to being drained of energy, and limit your interactions with people who leave you feeling depleted repeatedly.

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