17 Bizarre Expectations Placed On Women Throughout History

Over the past few decades, society has evolved significantly, and many of the expectations once placed on women are no longer considered necessary. It’s astounding to look back at history and see the unreasonable demands women once faced. Today, these practices are widely recognized as unfair and outdated. While there’s still progress to be made in the fight for women’s rights, it’s reassuring to see how much has already changed. Take a moment to reflect on these past expectations and celebrate just how far we’ve come!

Having Kids

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Whether women liked it or not, their role in society was largely associated with their ability to have kids. When they failed to do so or only gave birth to daughters, the consequences were drastic. For instance, Henry VIII executed his wife, Catherine Howard, for not providing him with a male heir.

Household Chores

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Household chores were often considered a woman’s duty. Some of the daily chores would include gardening, soap making, wood chopping, candle dipping, and butter churning, just to mention a few. In addition to these tasks, women were also responsible for various other duties such as preserving food, managing the overall organization and cleanliness of the household, and of course solely caretaking of elderly relatives.

Live In An Asylum

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Women who were considered too assertive in their marriage were often sent to asylum against their wills. So many women were sent to psychiatric hospitals that they often became overcrowded

Wear Uncomfortable Clothes

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If you’ve ever watched a movie from the Victorian Era, you’re surely familiar with the ridiculous fashion of the time. Massive gowns involving the use of crinolines made every movement particularly complicated. From the intricate process of dressing to the challenges of navigating daily life while adorned in such cumbersome attire, Victorian fashion encompassed a complex interplay of aesthetics, social conventions, and practical considerations.

Take Their Husband’s Name 

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While taking the husband´s name is still a common and popular practice today, in some cases, women were also forced to take their husbands’ surnames and give up their maiden names. 

Body Mutilation And Torture 

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Women in the past were also forced to go through body mutilations and other unsafe practices that today would be classified as torture. For instance, foot binding was a common practice in ancient China. This consisted of wearing so-called ‘lotus shoes’ that would permanently change the shape of women’s feet to make them smaller. It’s important to remember that, unfortunately, many young women still go through body mutilations, such as genital mutilation, to this day.

The Walk Of Shame

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In 13th century France, adultery was punished with what nowadays can be referred to as a ‘walk of shame.’ Women had to walk completely naked in front of strangers, were often preceded by trumpeters, and, at times, beaten with clubs.

Get Married 

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Getting married was rarely a choice and plenty of women throughout history have been forced to spend their lives with men for whom they had no feelings. Unfortunately, this is still the case in some cultures, as arranged marriage remains the norm in plenty of countries.

Own No Money

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Finances were largely considered a man’s business. For instance, women couldn’t own property if they were married and only managed to get credit cards in their name in 1974, thanks to the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. Today, many women earn more money than men and they are allowed to do whatever they please with their cash.

Stay At Home 

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Women were often forced to stay home and not allowed to go outside unless accompanied by a man. As we know, this can still be a common practice in some cultures today. Luckily, most of the modern world allows women to travel freely and alone.

Hide Their Opinions

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Women’s opinions were often silenced as many men considered them mentally inferior. This was also one of the reasons why, unlike their brothers, women rarely received a proper education, contributing to the perpetuation of gender inequalities across generations. Now, women are able to speak their minds and say what they please.

Avoid Sports 

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Sports was largely considered a men’s business and women were first admitted to the Olympics only in 1900. This means that plenty of women around the globe did not receive proper physical education and were not allowed to practice any form of sport. Women’s sports today are not only a big business, but also embraced by the majority of the population.

Child Marriage

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Unfortunately, child marriage remains a common practice in plenty of countries around the world. Thousands of young women, sometimes even children, are often forced to marry men who are much older than them and often end up abusing them. Fighting this dramatic phenomenon is incredibly difficult, even though progress has been made in recent years.

Kill Their Daughters

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Female infanticide was unfortunately common in several Asian countries. Families often preferred to have male children and, therefore, forced women to kill their daughters. This was done for several reasons, such as poverty. Unfortunately, today, the practice known as gender-selective abortion, consisting of terminating a pregnancy based on the gender of the baby, is still common in certain areas of the world.

Travel As a Couple

Until the 1930s, women in the USA could not get their own passports. She could be included only on her husband’s passport and listed only as “wife.” This was partially because many countries did not yet require a passport for entry, but it was also because a woman traveling alone was absurd. Women only traveled with men, so why would they ever need their own passports? Thank goodness we can travel solo whenever we want today!

Stay Married

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It wasn’t until 1937 that women were able to legally file for divorce. Before then, a woman had to stay married no matter the circumstances. Only a man could choose to get a divorce and the women were simply at their mercy. Luckily, women in most developed countries are able to file for divorce anytime they please.

Work in Lesser Roles

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Women were often barred from leadership positions and confined to subordinate roles. This just reflected societal beliefs that deemed women unfit for authority. This limitation stemmed from deeply ingrained gender norms that prioritized men as the primary decision-makers in both public and private spheres. Women frequently found themselves relegated to supportive roles, such as secretaries, teachers, or homemakers, despite their capabilities and aspirations. This systemic undervaluation of women’s contributions not only stifled their professional growth but also reinforced a culture of inequality that persisted for generations.

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