16 Things You’re Saying That Could Be Damaging Your Relationship

woman yelling at boyfriend on couch

Every relationship has its challenges, and sometimes the words that you say to your partner can be extremely hurtful. Maybe you say these things in the midst of a heated argument, or maybe you spit them out without thinking, but either way, these phrases can do some serious damage. Take a look at these 16 phrases that may completely destroy your relationship. Once you say these things out loud, there may be no going back. Always think before you speak, especially if you want your relationship to thrive. Fight fairly, listen to each other, and never say any of the phrases on this list.

“Why Can’t You Be More Like [Someone Else]?”

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Comparing your husband to another person, whether a friend, a celebrity, or a family member, can make him feel inadequate and unappreciated. Everyone is unique, and such comparisons can create resentment and insecurity. Instead, focus on his strengths and the qualities that made you fall in love with him, fostering appreciation and love in your relationship.

“You Always/Never Do This”

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Using absolutes like ‘always’ or ‘never’ can make your husband feel unfairly judged and defensive. These words often exaggerate the situation and overlook the times when he does the opposite. Instead, address specific instances and express how they made you feel without generalizing his behavior, facilitating an environment that promotes more constructive and empathetic communication.

“I Wish I Had Married Someone Else”

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Expressing regret about your marriage can be deeply hurtful and damaging to your relationship; It can be detrimental to your relationship to express remorse about your marriage. It undermines your commitment to each other and can create a sense of hopelessness. If you’re unhappy, it’s better to discuss your feelings constructively and work together on improving your relationship.

“You’re Just Like Your Father/Mother”

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Bringing up his parents’ negative traits and suggesting that he has inherited them can be very hurtful. It’s important to remember that everyone has their own identity, separate from their family. If there’s a specific behavior bothering you, address it directly and constructively without making unnecessary comparisons; this approach fosters healthier communication and respect.

“Calm Down, It’s Not a Big Deal”

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When you tell your husband to ‘calm down,’ it can make him feel his feelings are dismissed and invalidated. It implies that his emotions are not essential or justified. Listen to his concerns and acknowledge his feelings. By validating his emotions, you create a more supportive and understanding environment; this approach shows empathy and helps build a stronger emotional connection.

“I Make More Money Than You”

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Using your income to belittle your husband can damage his self-esteem and create a power imbalance in your relationship. When dealing with financial discrepancies, it’s important to approach the situation with consideration and courtesy. Remember that a marriage is a partnership, where monetary and other contributions are valuable and equally important.

“You’re Being Ridiculous”

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Describing your spouse’s emotions or behaviors as “ridiculous” can be harmful and invalidating. This kind of language invalidates his feelings and can create a barrier to open communication. It shows a lack of respect for his perspective and can lead to frustration and resentment. Instead, approach the situation empathetically, seeking to understand his emotions and discussing your differences respectfully and patiently.

“I’m Fine” (When You’re Not)

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Saying “I’m fine” when you’re not can lead to misunderstandings and unresolved issues; this phrase can leave your husband bewildered and unable to support you properly. It prevents open communication and can leave your husband feeling confused and helpless. If something bothers you, be honest about your feelings and discuss what’s bothering you, promoting a deeper understanding and stronger connection in your relationship.

“I Don’t Need You”

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Implying that you don’t need your husband can make him feel unimportant and undervalued. A strong marriage is built on mutual dependence and support; acknowledge how you rely on each other and appreciate your contributions to the relationship. This recognition fosters a sense of partnership and reinforces the value you place on one another.

“You’re Overreacting”

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Telling your husband that he is overreacting can make him feel misunderstood and dismissed and invalidate his feelings, creating a rift in your relationship. Everyone has different triggers and emotional responses. Instead of minimizing his feelings, take the time to listen and understand his perspective, showing empathy and support to strengthen your relationship.

“My Ex Would Never Have Done This”

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Bringing up your past relationship in a negative light when comparing it to your current one can cause a great deal of emotional pain. It makes your husband feel inadequate and suggests that you are still thinking about your past relationship. Focus on the present and build a strong and healthy relationship with your husband; work together to make a deep, meaningful connection that will stand the test of time.

“You Don’t Make Me Happy”

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Putting the responsibility for your happiness entirely on your husband is unfair and unrealistic. It’s important to cultivate your own sources of joy and fulfillment rather than placing the burden of your happiness entirely on your partner. Happiness is a personal journey; while your partner can contribute to it, they cannot solely be responsible for it. Instead of blaming him, discuss what you can do to improve your relationship and find happiness together.

“If You Do X, I’ll Divorce You”

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Threatening your partner to get a divorce is a manipulative move you should avoid at all costs. If you are truly considering filing for divorce, you should discuss this with your partner to see whether you can fix the situation before it’s too late. However, you should never use this sentence to manipulate your husband to do what you want against his will.

“You Should Know Why I Am Angry”

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No! Your partner should not know why you are angry. If something he did upset you, be honest with him and tell him what happened, what you’re feeling, and why you feel this way. When we tell our partners, “You should know why I am angry,” we are not trying to fix the situation. We are creating even more drama by trying to find an extra reason to get angry at them.

“I Hate You”

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Hate is a very strong word that implies very strong emotions. While you may be mad at your partner or upset about something they said or did, you should never blanket your feelings with the word ‘hate’. Rather than saying you hate your spouse, think of better, more constructive words to explain how you are feeling. If you say that you outright hate them, the intense negativity can deeply hurt your partner and damage the foundation of your relationship. This will make it much harder to resolve any conflicts and rebuild your trust.

“I Wish You Would Just Leave”

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Telling your partner to leave may actually give you exactly what you ask for; they may seriously leave. Saying this phrase may give your partner the opportunity to walk out the door and never look back. This may not be what you really want! If you want to work on your relationship and stay with your partner, never say that you want them to leave. That is not truly what you want in your heart, and it will be shocking and difficult if they do actually leave.

Communication is vital to a successful and happy marriage. The words we use with our partners have the power to uplift them or bring them down. Avoiding them and focusing on positive, constructive communication can strengthen your relationship and ensure a happier, more fulfilling marriage. Remember, it’s not just about what you say but how you say it.

Choose your words wisely, and always aim to support and uplift your partner.

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