17 Essential Life Lessons For Young Women From Older Generations

The wisdom of older generations is a treasure trove we should never take for granted. Older women, in particular, are like walking libraries of life lessons and valuable information. They have been there, seen it, and done it all! They are also very often ready to share their insights with the next generation. Many older women can offer guidance that can truly reshape how young women see the world. Just look at these gems of wisdom, inspired by sources like Marie Claire, BuzzFeed, and real-life experiences from women we know and love. Learning from those who have had tons of life experiences is one of the best things you can do!
‘Don’t look at the calendar, just keep celebrating everyday’

We can often forget to live when we’re so busy planning what’s yet to come. Try not to get too wrapped up in the future and focus on today. Embrace the present moment with all its beauty and opportunities. Let go of the worries about what tomorrow may bring, and instead, immerse yourself fully in the experiences and joys of today. Life is happening now!
‘Keep an open mind, and things seem less strange’

This is a great piece of advice. The world has changed so much since our grandparents were small with things once considered ‘abnormal’ now much more widely accepted. If it isn’t harming you, then let it be. This helps create a more open society where everyone feels welcomed and accepted while also preventing you from building up useless resentment.
‘Keep active!’

This isn’t revolutionary by any means, but it’s still an important reminder. Keep active while you’re young, and you’re much more likely to be active in your older years. Engage in activities that nourish both your body and mind, whether it’s exercising, pursuing hobbies, or spending time with loved ones. By prioritizing your well-being now, you’re investing in a future where vitality and vitality continue to be your companions.
‘Invest in quality pieces, they never go out of style’

With fast fashion being a hot topic on everyone’s lips, I think it’s important that we actually invest in quality clothing—if our budget allows for it, of course. These are staples that will always be in fashion, like a good jacket or a pair of jeans. On top of this, opting for timeless quality pieces is a great choice for the environment instead of purchasing fast-fashion items that will only last a season.
‘Make yourself walk’

It is not too dissimilar from the ‘keep active’ but is still worth noting. No one is asking you to run a marathon. Going out for a walk gets the blood flowing and pumps out those happy hormones instantly making you feel great. On top of this, opting for a walk is a great way to get a bit of sunshine on your skin every day and push you out of the house into the real world.
‘Have your own box of tools and learn how to use them all’

This is such a good bit of advice. You don’t need to rely on anyone else to put up that shelf – you got this. Constantly relying on others can be quite dangerous. In life, we are ultimately alone, meaning we need to learn how to do the most important things ourselves. Plus, one day, you can pass your knowledge on to the next generations, which is an extra reason to start learning.
‘Know your worth, and don’t be afraid to negotiate your pay’

Asking for a promotion or a pay rise can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be an awkward conversation. Recognize your worth and the value you bring and just go for it. Prepare yourself by highlighting your achievements, skills, and contributions to the organization. Approach the conversation with confidence and professionalism, knowing that you deserve fair recognition for your efforts. Remember, advocating for yourself is not only empowering but also essential for your professional growth and financial well-being.
‘Remember that life can change in an instant’

Life can often blindside us when something major happens and knocks us for six. That’s why it’s important not to take it for granted; you never know what’s around the corner. This can be a good moment to take a second to consider a few questions. Are you taking your partner for granted? What about your friends? Your relatives? And your job position?
‘Get outdoors and enjoy nature!’

Without wanting to sound too hippy-dippy, connecting with nature is a great way to feel connected to the earth. No, I’m not telling you to hug a tree (unless you want to), but being outside and touching some grass is good for the soul. Try your best to go out at least once a day and opt for natural areas, such as a nearby park or protected area, where to see a bit of greenery.
‘Never cease to be inspired’

You can find inspiration in everything, whether it’s watching a beautiful sunset or being inspired by those closest to you. Even on days when we really need to dig deep to find the motivation to do anything, allow yourself to be inspired. This can help us reconnect with our inner child, bring more curiosity into our lives and helping us build up gratitude and happiness.
‘Take lots of photos’

Nowadays, most people have smartphones, so take pictures whenever you can. Take pictures of your friends, take pictures of your loved ones, and take pictures of yourself on days when you feel extra cute. Heck, take a picture of your food and show it off. You’ll look back one day and be thankful that you did. However, make sure to print them, or you probably will never end up watching them.
‘Learn to laugh at yourself’

Most importantly, don’t take yourself too seriously. We’re only here for a short time, so laugh while you can – even if it’s at your own expense. Being able to laugh at your mistakes is the greatest skill. It shows confidence and self-acceptance. We all make errors from time to time. You can either let it ruin your day or take it as an excuse to enjoy a good laugh.
‘Surround Yourself With Positive People’

The people you surround yourself with greatly influence your mood, habits, and life in general. So, surround yourself with the very best ones. Is someone constantly dragging you down? Then stop seeing them or try to limit your shared time to the bare minimum. This is not selfish. It’s crucial to protect your mental health and improve your happiness.
‘Keep busy! Do things that you’ve never done before’

What is life if not a collection of memories? Ten years from now, you surely won’t remember that 30-second reel you just watched on Instagram. You probably won’t remember it tomorrow. Fill up your days with inspiring activities. Learn to play the piano, take painting classes, or try a new sport, such as hiking or cycling. These are the things you will never forget.
‘Financial Freedom Is More Important Than It May Seem’

The older generation knows how crucial financial freedom is for the well-being of all women. Nothing is worse than being financially dependent on someone who not only doesn’t have your best interest in mind but may even be abusive. All women should be able to fully provide for themselves so that they will never be forced to stay in a toxic relationship due to financial instability.
‘Learn how to fix your vehicle, including tire changes and pressure’

Nothing is worse than going on a long road trip and ending up with a broken car in the desert. While this may not be a likely scenario for some, if you have a car, chances are that it will one day break down. You can choose. Either you wait for a man to come and fix the issue for money, or you can learn it yourself! Trust us, more often than not, it’s not that tough.
“Go to the dentist”

So many of us take our good dental health for granted. We have beautiful teeth and assume that they will stay that way forever. The dentist is often seen as a luxury, not a place we must visit regularly. But older generations of women will tell you that dental health is essential. You must maintain your teeth and mouth, or you will suffer greatly in the long term. From things like gum disease to cavities to yellowing teeth, you need to care for your mouth to avoid these major issues! You will be thankful later on in life when you have a brilliant, healthy smile.
The article was inspired by Marie Claire and Buzz Feed.