15 Misconceptions About Alcohol You Shouldn’t Ignore

Whether you like it or not, alcohol is such a huge part of our culture that thinking of a world without it is impossible for most. While in Muslim countries, alcoholic drinks are often avoided, in the Western world, this has become a usual companion for most of us. Whether you drink a glass of wine with your dinner or a beer at the pub with your friends during the weekend, you probably drink at least once a week. Despite common beliefs and sayings, plenty of research has demonstrated that alcohol has negative effects on our health. Inspired by Healthline, here are a few myths that need to die.

Note: The content of this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Always consult with a qualified professional for advice tailored to your individual circumstances.

Alcohol Makes You Happy

group of friends drinking alcohol
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Alcohol is actually a depressant. While you may feel happy when you first start drinking, it actually slows down your brain activity. This can make you feel sluggish and sad, which is not a feeling you should want to have! Drinking doesn’t make you as happy as you may think. So, make sure to avoid that extra drink if you’re in a dark period of your life.

Moderate Drinking is Safe

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There is no safe amount of alcohol. Even moderate drinking can have a big impact on your brain health. Research is constantly being conducted that shows the long and short-term effects of any quantity of alcohol. Just one drink may have an impact. So, stop believing those trying to convince them to join you at the pub as it is ‘good for you.’ It just isn’t.

Drinking Helps You Sleep

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While drinking alcohol may cause you to feel sleepy at first, it may actually lead to sleep issues and insomnia. You may have difficulty staying asleep or experience restless sleep after a long night of drinking alcohol. You will wake up feeling even more tired than ever. If you ever got severely drunk, you surely remember waking up in the early morning due to dehydration.

Helps You Make Choices

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You sit down to have a drink and make a big life decision. This is a bad idea. Drinking can affect your ability to think clearly or make rational choices. Alcohol can negatively affect your frontal lobe, which is the decision-making part of your brain. We all have regretted choices made when drunk, so ensure that all decisions you take under the effect of alcohol are not important.

Drinking Makes You a Better Dancer

woman dancing with headphones on
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Alcohol affects your central nervous system, which can cause tingling in your hands and feet. It may even make your body feel numb. You may think you look awesome on the dance floor, but chances are, you do not. You are likely more uncoordinated and sloppy on the dance floor after a few drinks. You will surely feel its negative effect if you are a professional dancer.

You Sound Smarter

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After a couple of drinks, you may start talking more and more, but don’t expect to sound smart. Alcohol reduces the line of communication between your brain and body, which can make you slur your speech. You won’t sound very smart when you can’t even speak correctly. The fact that you think you are is just a sign of how disconnected you are from what’s going on.

Drinking is Good For Your Health

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Alcohol has a huge impact on your body. There are many negative side effects, such as high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, heart attack, and even stomach issues. There are numerous short and long-term health effects that alcohol has on the body. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should never enjoy a drink, as consistency is obviously more important. However, keep in mind that alcohol is never healthy.

Makes you Feel Frisky

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Many people believe that drinking leads to more fun in the bedroom. However, it can actually lower your libido and prevent you from performing in bed. Sure, it can lower your inhibitions, but that doesn’t always equate to a good time in the bedroom. We’ve all experienced the brewer’s droop at least once, so if you are going on a date, limit your alcohol intake.

Keeps You Healthy

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While rubbing alcohol may be good for preventing germs, drinking alcohol is not. Drinking excessively can lower your body’s natural immune system, making you more susceptible to illness. Frequent drinking may even increase your risk of developing certain cancers and cause other major health problems. It will not help you kick that nasty cold but may worsen it.

Make You Less Anxious

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Drinking alcohol will make you feel more anxious, not less. It has been shown to worsen anxiety rather than help it improve. You will not be able to relax when you drink but, in fact, get more nervous than you were before that first glass. Lots of people with anxiety will tell you that this is true! Of course, this is not the case for everyone; however, trying to address your anxiety with alcohol is never a good solution.

Helps You De-Stress

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Drinking alcohol regularly has been shown to cause ongoing stress. While you may be drinking in order to relax, the long-term result will be the opposite. It can make you nervous, paranoid, and jittery rather than calm and happy. Unfortunately, stress does not disappear after a drink or two. The only solution is to talk to a therapist or address the issue in a mature way.

Drinking Does Not Impact Your Daily Life

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Many assume that you can have a few drinks at night and live a regular, normal life the rest of the time. However, there is a possibility that you develop alcohol use disorder, which occurs when your body becomes dependent on alcohol. You may experience cravings, inability to stop drinking, and lots of time thinking about your next drink. Too much drinking can quickly affect your day-to-day life. 

Sobering Up Quickly Is Possible

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After a heavy night of drinking, we all have a few secrets to sober up quickly. The truth? None of these really work. A cold shower or a walk outside may help you feel temporarily alert but won’t reduce the amount of alcohol in your blood. Only time will help you get sober, so when drinking heavily, keep in mind you will feel the consequences the following day.

Order Matters

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Somehow, several cultures around the world came up with the conclusion that for as long as you follow a certain order when drinking, you will be fine. Most of the time, this consists of starting with drinks with low alcohol percentage to increase it. Unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Regardless of the order of your drinks, if you ingest too much alcohol, you will feel miserable.

Eating Before Drinking Will Keep You Sober

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While eating a huge meal before drinking will surely help you slow down the absorption of alcohol, this doesn’t mean that you will suddenly become immune to its negative effects. No matter how much you eat, if you’re about to drink four Negroni, you will still get drunk! So, try your best to avoid drinking on an empty stomach, yet be aware that no matter what you eat, you still need to drink in moderation.

This article was inspired by Healthline and originally published at WMN Lives.

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