15 Harsh Truths About Parenting No One Ever Told You About

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There are some things about parenting that no one ever tells you about. From daily challenging to unexpected joys, so much of parenting is a roller coaster ride that you can’t really ever prepare for. But we wanted to try to help you learn more about the realities of parenting by telling you these 15 surprising truths. You will be pretty surprised by what you learn and hopefully it will help prepare you a little bit more for life as a parent! The more you know, the easier the journey will be and parenting is already hard enough!

Your Child Is an Individual, Not a Mini-Version of You

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One of the most brutal truths for parents to accept is that their child is their person, with unique thoughts, feelings, and desires. As much as you might want to mold them in your image or guide them according to your values, they will inevitably carve out their own identity. This realization can be difficult when your child’s choices or personality differ from what you envisioned.

You Can’t Protect Them from Everything

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No parent would ever want their child to face any problem or go through difficulties in life. However, the parents can’t be there for their children wherever they go. There are quite a few challenges and dangers at every step, so whether your child gets a scraped knee, gets their heart broken, or undergoes a challenging life lesson, your child must face them on their own. Being stubborn will only make you feel the pain; it is time to give your child the proper training to face the ordeals head-on.

Your Parenting Style Will Be Criticized

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People will reserve opinions about your parenting style whether you want to hear it. And, yes, these opinions will be critical, so you will have to face them in the right spirit. The scrutinization made by your family, friends, or even strangers might seem resentful, but you must show the maturity to take it with a pinch of salt. Trust your instincts and remember that you are doing the best for your child; that is all that matters.

Parenting Can Feel Like a Thankless Job

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You will have days when you give it your all, but no one appreciates your actions. It can be sleepless nights when you care for your little one or endless messes you clean up for your child. The nitty-gritty will drain you, and the lack of gratitude will make you sad. However, remember that the results of your efforts will come one day, and you will feel proud.

You’ll Experience Unresolved Guilt

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You will also feel a pinch of unresolved guilt while undergoing the parenting phase. This can be the decisions you made for your child, the time you failed to devote to them, or even the most inevitable mistakes you have ever made during early parenthood. These can be a source of torment that shakes your beliefs for a long time. But, it would be best to let go of these torments for your healthy well-being and upbringing of a great child.

Your Priorities Will Be Challenged Constantly

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It can be pretty taxing to balance the needs of parents with your desires. Your priorities will change daily as you try to meet your child’s and your family’s ever-fluctuating demands. It might drain you to the point that you feel frustrated and resentful about putting your dreams and goals on hold. The best thing is to steer your personal goals with your parenting role without losing individuality.

You Won’t Always Like Your Child

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This can be a hard truth to digest, but certain moments will make you dislike your child. This can make you feel resentful. It can be their rebellious nature, a tantrum, or simply a clash of personalities. You must distinguish between not liking your child’s particular behavior and not liking your child altogether. These temporary feelings, although normal, will help you steer through these phases with solitude and passion.

Your Child Will Reflect Your Flaws

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Sometimes, you will see loopholes in your child’s behavior. This will be a challenging aspect to observe. It can be their impatience, stubbornness, or a tendency to worry, which can distress your child’s personality. When you recognize these reflections, it will help you grow with your child. The foremost thing you must do is address the flaws so your child can develop healthier coping behaviors for the future.

You’ll Have to Let Go Sooner Than You’re Ready

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You will face the day sooner than expected when your child will no longer want you to be their savior. It can be their first day of school, night out, or graduation day. These milestones may make you nostalgic. But you must let go of your child and grant them the freedom to grow independently. This can be one of the most challenging aspects of parenthood but also one of the most essential.

There Are No Guarantees

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You can give the best teachings to your child, but it is not guaranteed that they will turn up according to you. This particular trait can leave you anxious about the future of your child. However, it would be best if you accepted that the choices made by your child will control their future. And you cannot control everything. The best thing you can do is lay a strong base and hope your child stays healthy and fine.

Your Child Will Challenge Your Values

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Once your child becomes mature enough, they will frame their options and beliefs, making them challenge your values. This can be difficult, especially if your values are part of your being. Sometimes, it comes as a shock to parents. However, accepting these challenges can be a part of your child’s development as they explore and define their own lives using their experiences.

You’ll Doubt Yourself Constantly

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Regarding parenting, you must be prepared to question yourself about every aspect. Irrespective of your preparedness, certain moments will make you question your decisions and wonder if you are doing the right thing for your child’s upbringing. This can sometimes be paralyzing. But remember that every parent goes through a similar phase. It is also a sign of your love for your child.

You Will Never Sleep The Same

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When babies are first born, they wake up all day and all night, keeping you awake too. As they get older, they start to walk into your room at night, looking for snuggles or to tell you about a bad dream. Once your children become teenagers, you will stay awake wondering when they will come home from their friend’s house. After you have kids, you may never sleep well ever again. Disrupted sleep is just not the same.

Your Immune System Will Be Challenged

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Kids get sick often, and it is just a fact of life. But, you will quickly learn that when your child gets sick, you get sick too. You may have thought you had a good immune system, but it will be constantly challenged. Make sure you and your kids wash hands, take vitamins, and cover your mouths when you sneeze and cough! Colds will pass, but this lesson will be one you never forget.

You Will Have Tough Conversations

mother and daughter sitting on a couch talking
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Kids ask a lot of questions from the moment they learn how to talk. They ask questions as a way to learn about the world, and, as a parent, it is your job to answer those questions fully and completely. But sometimes, you will have to answer some very challenging questions that lead to tough conversations. Topics like death, relationships, and mental health will all inevitably come up. Knowing how to talk about these topics in a calm, understanding way can be hard and uncomfortable. However, when you navigate these conversations with tact and love, your children will be better prepared for the world.

Once you become a parent, rest assured that you will undergo plot twists and turns during each phase of patenting. By focusing on the aspects we have discussed above, you can mentally prepare yourself for the forthcoming challenges and find solace in knowing your better half is always there with you during the entire thing. The love and connection with your little one will make every aspect of this journey memorable, both as a person and as a parent.

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