16 Wise Words From Buddhism That May Change Your Life

The Buddhist lifestyle is renowned for its ethical conduct, minimalism, and moderation. This is why this philosophy can teach us so much about how to live a good life. Whether you are a Buddhist or not, you can learn plenty of valuable insights from this way of life.
If you feel lost, need to re-center your life, or want to try something new, this post is for you. Inspired by an article on Medium, here are 15 Buddhist pieces of advice to radically change your life for the better.
Cultivate Karuna (Compassion)

Compassion is highly esteemed in Buddhism and is regarded as a hallmark of an enlightened individual. It’s not just about helping others; it also profoundly transforms your life. Self-compassion is critical for inner peace, allowing you to forgive yourself and heal from past wounds. Understanding others’ actions with compassion can alleviate much of the mental torment we often put ourselves through. Expressing compassion connects us deeply with others, bringing joy and fulfillment to our lives.
Build and Strengthen Your Sangha (Community)

In Buddhism, a community of practitioners (sangha) is essential for mutual growth and support. The principle of the sangha teaches us the importance of connecting with others for a common goal of peace and wisdom. This can be applied in our lives by nurturing meaningful relationships. Whether with one person or a large group, these connections enrich our lives in ways that material wealth cannot. Building and maintaining these relationships creates a supportive network that benefits everyone involved.
Practice Mindfulness (Sati) Daily

Living fully awake to every moment is a powerful principle in Buddhism. Mindfulness and greater awareness can significantly change every aspect of your life. By paying attention to each moment, you can overcome personal struggles, find peace, and learn valuable life lessons. Living awake helps you appreciate the present and reduces anxiety about the past or future. Striving to stay present can transform your daily experiences and overall outlook on life.
Live with Samatha (Calm Abiding)

To live deeply is to become keenly aware of the precious nature of life. This involves understanding interconnectedness and impermanence, which are fundamental Buddhist teachings. Recognizing that everything is connected and ever-changing can bring greater peace and happiness. These realizations help you savor every moment and find meaning in mundane activities. Living deeply transforms your perspective, making each experience more enriching.
Transform Yourself to Transform the World

Buddhists believe that personal transformation has a ripple effect on the world. Helping yourself creates positive changes that extend to others because of our interconnectedness. This doesn’t mean ignoring others but instead setting an example for them to follow. By caring for yourself and striving to be your best, you inspire and positively impact those around you. This approach amplifies the potential for collective well-being.
Embrace Anicca (Impermanence)

Death is often a taboo topic, but embracing its reality can lead to a more peaceful life. In Buddhism, contemplating death helps individuals appreciate life’s fleeting nature. This awareness encourages you to live more fully and authentically. Accepting impermanence reduces fear and brings a deeper appreciation for every moment. Embracing death as a natural part of life allows you to find greater peace and gratitude.
Appreciate Your Food Mindfully

Mindfulness can transform everyday experiences, including how we view food. Buddhist practice teaches us to contemplate the origins and interconnectedness of our food. Recognizing the effort and elements in bringing food to our plates fosters gratitude and respect. This approach to eating can enhance your relationship with food. Appreciating food as a precious resource enriches the dining experience.
Understand Dana (Generosity)

Giving in Buddhism extends beyond material gifts to acts of kindness, compassion, and presence. Understanding that life involves constant giving and receiving helps us appreciate the value of non-material gifts. Recognizing the importance of everyday acts of generosity fosters a more compassionate and interconnected community. This practice encourages us to give love, support, and understanding freely, and understanding the nature of giving transforms how we interact with the world.
Overcome the Ego (Anatta)

The ego is considered a significant obstacle to realizing true peace and happiness. In Buddhism, overcoming the ego involves recognizing our interconnectedness and letting go of the separate self. This process takes time but leads to profound personal growth. Disarming the ego helps you connect more deeply with others and the world. It’s an essential step towards living a more fulfilled and peaceful life.
Eliminate the Three Poisons (Kleshas)

Buddhism identifies greed, hatred, and delusion as the three poisons that cause suffering. Working to remove these poisons from your life can lead to greater peace and happiness. Acknowledging their presence is the first step toward overcoming them. You can counteract these opposing forces by cultivating generosity, love, and wisdom. Removing the three poisons transforms your inner world and your interactions with others.
Follow Right Livelihood (Samma Ajiva)

Right livelihood in Buddhism means living in a way that doesn’t harm yourself or others. This principle encourages you to choose work that promotes peace and well-being. Reflecting on how your job affects your mental and emotional health can lead to positive changes. Seeking a livelihood that aligns with your values can bring greater satisfaction and purpose. Right livelihood emphasizes the importance of ethical and mindful work.
Achieve Non-Attachment (Upadana)

Non-attachment doesn’t mean abandoning everything but rather understanding the impermanent nature of all things. This realization allows you to live fully without clinging to desires or possessions. Non-attachment fosters a sense of freedom and peace, enabling you to appreciate life without fear of loss. It involves living in the moment and accepting the natural flow of life. Realizing non-attachment brings the greatest joy and fulfillment.
Live In The Moment

Many of us go through the day in a fog. We stare at our phones, and we disconnect from the world. Buddhist teachings encourage us to wake up and live in the moment. When you truly appreciate every second of the day and stay in the present, it is incredible how different the world can become. Pay attention to the world around you and you will be able to connect with your emotions as well.
End Hatred

Everyone feels hatred at some point in their lives. It is a natural emotion that we need to recognize, process, and then eliminate. It can be challenging to stop hatred and accept everyone and everything within the world around us. However, when you can stop hatred from entering your heart, your life will improve immensely. Imagine a world without hatred. It can all begin with you!
Let Go Of Materialism

In today’s society, we are often led to believe that we must constantly buy new items to feel happy and fulfilled. Whether it’s a nice car, a new pair of shoes, or a new piece of furniture, we always need something extra to be happy. On the other hand, Buddhism teaches us the importance of being content with what we have instead of always looking for that new purchase.
Buddhist wisdom offers timeless lessons that can profoundly impact our lives. By practicing compassion, mindfulness, non-attachment, and other principles, we can navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and joy. These teachings encourage us to live intensely, nurture connections, and embrace the natural flow of life. Start embracing these pieces of wisdom and experience positive life changes.
The article was inspired by Medium and first appeared on WMN Lives.