Now That I Am 60, I Will Never Tolerate These 15 Things Again
Once you reach the age of 60, you have very clear views about the world. You know what you like and what you really won’t stand for. Now that I have reached this wonderful age, I have decided that I will no longer tolerate these 15 things, and I don’t think that anyone over the age of 60 should have to! We just don’t have the time or the energy to put up with these childish things any longer. Take a look at these issues and see if you agree. I won’t let these things ruin my day or my life ever again!
Disrespectful Conduct
Disrespect, in any form, whether subtle or overt, erodes self-esteem and undermines relationships. Over the years, I have learned that allowing others to treat me with disrespect only diminishes my self-worth. From now on, I will not tolerate any form of disrespect from anyone, whether it is dismissive language, condescending moods, or disregard for my opinions. I now demand respect in all my interactions as it is the basis of any healthy relationship.
Negative Outlook
Negativity drains energy, so people are not drawn to those who give off bad vibes. My negative attitude is non-existent, whether it be constant complaining, a pessimistic outlook, or the inability to look on the bright side of anything. I understand that I need to be surrounded by positive, like-minded individuals, so I no longer stand for habitual negativity from anyone to keep up with my mental clarity.
Dishonest Role
Integrity is a base value that can not exist without honesty in relationships. I have experienced dishonesty from many people over the years and know what damage it can do. Dishonesty hurts, damages, and can even destroy your relationship; therefore, at 60, I will not put up with lies of any kind. I hold honesty and transparency in the highest regard and expect those around me to do so, too.
Manipulative Persona
Manipulation is a subtle behavior that tries to control or influence others for self-gain. Using emotional manipulation, guilt trips, or passive-aggressive methods is never right. I understand that manipulative people often seek kindness and empathy because they see these traits as unique qualities to exploit. I will no longer tolerate being manipulated because I know what decisions should be based on my values and best self-interest.
Appreciation Lack
Being unappreciated can be a demoralizing sensation, leading to anger and discontent. I may have to put up with other people who did not value me, my time, or my opinions in both professional and personal environments in the past. But I know better now about being respected and appreciated for my efforts. I will not allow myself to be in relationships or circumstances where I am devalued and my presence, time, and energy are misused.
Judgmental Attitudes
Judgmental attitudes make the environment so toxic, where people feel criticized or are left feeling like they either have to hide their true selves or endure unfair treatment for simply being who they are. I have been judged on enough throughout my life to understand that it stops authenticity and stifles being truly you. At this stage of my life, I value acceptance and understanding over harsh judgments. I will no longer tolerate others making judgments based on their opinion, and choosing to surround myself with people who embrace diversity and encourage growth.
Selfish Approach
Selfishness is a behavior that prioritizes one’s needs and desires at the expense of others. I have learned that relationships built on selfishness are ultimately inconsiderate and one-sided. Self-care is essential, but there’s a fine line between healthy self-interest and selfishness. I will no longer accept self-centered behavior from those around me, as I believe in the importance of mutual support and generosity in all relationships.
Inconsistent Behavior
Being inconsistent in behavior, words, and actions breeds relationship confusion and insecurity, whether someone constantly changes their mind, does not follow through on their commitments, or is unpredictable in how they behave. It also taught me the importance of being more grounded and consistent in my interactions. Feeling this, I will no longer carry on with inconsistency, which sabotages trust and makes it difficult to build solid relationships.
Harsh Criticism
Constructive criticism is valuable for growth and improvement, but constant criticism without positive or constructive feedback is harmful. I’ve experienced enough unwarranted criticism to know that it often reflects more on the critic than the recipient. I value feedback intended to help, not harm, and I will no longer tolerate criticism that is purely negative or intended to tear me down. Constructive feedback should always aim to build up, not break down.
Passive Aggression
Hostility can take subtler forms in its purest sense toward less demonstrative but equally ugly ways people act out their aggressions. That comes in sarcasm, backhanded compliments, or procrastination on purpose. I may have overlooked or tolerated passive aggression, but not anymore. I will no longer stand for passive aggression, as I now see it for what it is—a harmful communication style that creates tension and undermines trust.
Entitlement is the feeling that one should have something or privileges without attaining them. It isn’t very pleasant, even more so when the same people with these expectations don’t do anything to fulfill what others want. I have seen entitlement in action enough times to know that it only leads to resentment and inequality in relationships. Therefore, there is no more entitlement; there is just an eye for a fair game and the principles of companionship, where one has to earn whatever one gets.
Toxic Positivity
Toxic positivity, in essence, is the denial that one cannot be positive all the time—even during genuinely trying circumstances or challenging emotions. Positivity is fine, but toxic positivity tends to sweep feelings or experiences under the rug, where they will come back later as suppressed emotion and a lack of proper support. I have learned the power of expression and acceptance of all feelings. I will not tolerate toxic positivity, as it prevents authentic emotional expression and healing.
Being Used
By the time you turn 60, you know who your true friends are and who is just using you. I have put a stop to this in my latter years. I no longer associate with people who are using me in any way. I focus on friends who give just as much as they receive rather than those who are constantly draining my energy. You are not a pawn but a person! Do not let others push you around or use you to meet their personal needs.
Workplace Disrespect
I have been working for decades, and I know how to do my job properly. Now that I am 60, I feel as though my work abilities should be respected rather than disregarded. I do not tolerate younger generations putting down my work or questioning my ability. I am far more capable of getting the job done than many others!
Being Treated as Old
I know that 60 isn’t exactly young, but it definitely isn’t old! I am well into my 60’s, and I don’t feel old at all! I am also tired of people treating me as if I am old and frail. At the age of 60, I am more than capable of doing just about anything that a forty-year-old can do, and I won’t let my age hold me back. I will no longer tolerate being treated as an old lady, and I will prove to anyone out there how young at heart I still am.
As I enter my 60-plus, I have a deeper understanding and appreciation for myself. With decades of life experience under my belt, I have learned the types of behavior that are entirely unacceptable to me. I favor peace of mind, joyfulness, and authentic relationships; toxic behaviors are prohibited because life is too short to tolerate them. I settle for the manifestation of respect, positivism, and genuineness.