Stop Doing These 14 Things Holding You Back from Happiness

Finding real happiness can be harder than one may think. We all strive to be happy and seek happiness so much that it may actually be damaging to our well-being. There is no one approach to being happy, but you should stop doing these 14 things that are getting in the way of finding it. Once you do, you are more likely to feel good, find joy, and finally be truly happy.
End Comparison

Comparing yourself to others is one of the most instantaneous ways to drain your happiness; you feel dissatisfied when you see yourself against others’ lifestyles. Remember, not everything seen over the surface reflects reality. Instead, concentrate on your fantastic journey, celebrate your accomplishments, and understand that everyone’s path is unique.
Constant Worrying

Fretting over things that are not in control disturbs your peace of mind and is counterproductive. Worrying about the future or getting anxious about what others think of you can only increase stress. The more you concentrate on what you cannot change, the less energy or time will be available for things under your control, which makes a considerable difference. Practice letting go of these worries and channel your efforts into areas where you can make a difference.
Others Validation

Always looking for the approval or validation of others can indicate low self-esteem; relying on others to validate your worth can lead to a constant cycle of approval-seeking behavior. You no longer retain power over your happiness because it lies with something outside you as you give away your power to determine your value. Instead, choose to identify self-worth within, cultivate self-acceptance, and learn to validate yourself, knowing that you are enough just as you are.
Grudge Holding

Holding onto grudges and anger keeps you in the past and is like a heavy weight bearing down on your emotional status. When you have a grudge, you are trapped in negativity, preventing you from moving forward. Forgiveness doesn’t mean approving the hurt done to you, but it does mean freeing yourself from the chains of bitterness. Learning to let go of grudges allows you to get your happiness back, and it comes from a more peaceful heart.
Self-Care Ignorance

With so much to do in such a short time, it’s easy to put self-care on the back burner, but disregarding your physical, emotional, and mental well-being can cause burnout and unhappiness. Self-care isn’t selfish—it helps keep us balanced and resilient; prioritize activities that feed your mind and body, be it sleep, nutrition, workout, or relaxation. When you care for yourself, it is easier to face the challenges that life throws at you and feel joy in simple things.
Past Alive

Constantly thinking over past mistakes, regrets, or missed opportunities can lead to negativity and tension. The past cannot be changed, and focusing on it will do nothing but keep you from living fully in this moment. Instead of dwelling on what could have been, learn from your experiences and use them as a path for growth. Releasing yourself from the past allows healing and a chance for new beginnings and an even brighter future.
Schedule Overload

An overly packed schedule can lead to stress and burnout, leaving little room for joy and relaxation. When you fill your days with too many commitments, you may find it hard to enjoy any of them entirely. Make your life easier by organizing your agenda around what is most important to you while also carving out time for relaxation and unexpected moments of joy.
Toxic Connections

The company you keep significantly impacts your mood and overall outlook on life. It is hard to maintain a positive attitude if you are always around pessimistic people; their energy can bring you down and make it challenging to sustain a positive mindset. Evaluate your relationships and consider distancing yourself from those who consistently drain your energy. Stay around people who genuinely strive for your happiness and growth and want to see you win.
Change Fear

This fear of change can keep you stuck in things that no longer serve you, stopping your personal growth and preventing possible happiness. Even though the idea of change may be intimidating, it comes with new opportunities and situations that enrich your life. Welcome change with open-mindedness and view it as an opportunity for development.
People Pleasing

People-pleasing often leads to overcommitment and resentment, as you may find yourself agreeing to things you don’t want to do. Overcommitting yourself and saying “yes” when you mean “no” leaves you feeling resentful and exhausted, as your needs aren’t considered. It would help if you found a way to respect yourself and your well-being by saying no when needed. With this, you help protect your time and energy so that you can spend it on what is more valuable to you.
Passion Neglect

Not pursuing your passions or ignoring your creative outlets can leave you feeling unfulfilled and disconnected from yourself. Disregarding what brings you delight diminishes your overall happiness. Make time for activities that excite you, whether a hobby, a creative project, or something new you want to explore. Include the positive changes within yourself for a brighter and more aligned life with your true desires.
Perfect Delay

Waiting for the “perfect” time to pursue your dreams or make a change can lead to missed opportunities and stagnation. There is no perfect time to start something new; waiting indefinitely can keep you from moving forward. Take action now, even if the circumstances aren’t ideal, and trust that you can adapt along the way.
Resist Change

When you resist change and fear new things, you will never find happiness. You need to learn that life shifts, people change, and what used to make you happy may no longer have the same effect. Once you embrace change and stop fearing things that are new, you will be on a better path toward happiness.
Stagnant Mind

You should never let yourself stop learning. There is always something new to discover or learn about in this vast, endless world. You need to keep pursuing knowledge if you want to be truly happy. Try taking a class, reading a book, or just doing a little online research on a new topic. Your brain will thrive when it is challenged and pushed to absorb new ideas. And you will feel good when you become smarter and happier in general!
We all want to be happy, but it requires a conscious effort and the capacity to quit things that no longer serve us any good. By ending these 12 behaviors, you can clear the path to a better life full of joy. Life is a journey, and creating that happiness is within your power.