Why Sitting Could Be Just as Dangerous as Smoking

Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health. It is common knowledge at this point. But not many people know that excessive sitting can be just as bad for you as smoking.
Many studies lately show how sitting is ruining our health without us even knowing it. We looked at an article from Yale Medicine to see if all this talk is true. How bad is it to sit all day? Is it honestly as bad for you as smoking cigarettes? Keep reading to find out. You may want to stand up as you read, just to be safe.
This article was inspired by an article on Yale Medicine.
Note: The content of this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Always consult with a qualified professional for advice tailored to your individual circumstances.
What is Excessive Sitting?

Lots of us have to sit all day long to do our job. However, sitting for hours upon hours a day has been shown to cause serious health problems. While there is no set number of hours that is considered too much sitting, it is well-known among doctors that sitting in a chair all day long is not good for us. It can cause all differnt types of damage to your body and may even cause just as many health issues as smoking cigarettes.
Early Death

It is hard to believe that excessive sitting may lead to an early death. However, a study of 8000 adults showed a link between prolonged sitting and a shortened lifespan. Those who only sat for 30 minutes at a time or less were at a much lower risk of early death. Sitting too long may lead to many major health issues, which can shorten your life. Doesn’t that simple fact make you want to get up out of your chair right now?
Blood Clots

When your legs are angled down and your feet are on the floor, there is a good chance that blood and fluid are pooling in your lower extremities. Being sedentary in the sitting position has been shown to lead to more blood clots. Blood clots can be extremely dangerous, especially if they travel through your body and into your lungs or heart. Getting up and walking around can help prevent this from happening and may even save your life!
Poor Posture

While having poor posture is not life threatening, it can lead to some serious pain. When you sit in a chair or at a desk all day, you will likely start to slouch or crane your neck forward. This poor posture may lead to back pain, neck pain and even severe spine issues. If you have to sit, try to push your shoulders back, hold your head up high and stretch your spine to help prevent this eternal slouch.
Heart Disease

You probably know that smoking can lead to cardiovascular disease, but did you know that too much sitting may also cause heart disease? When you sit too much, you decrease the blood flow in your body and alter the normal function of your blood vessels. The more you sit, the more likely you are to have a heart attack. Sitting may honestly be just as dangerous as smoking!
Weakening Bones

Being inactive and sitting too long can lead to weaker bones. Doctors have noticed that people who sit for too long are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis. Being active during the rest of the day can help your bones stay strong, but it may not be enough to negate the effects of excessive sitting. To keep your bones strong, try to get up and stand every thirty minutes or opt for a standing desk when you have the option to work and stand at the same time.
Weight Gain

If you sit around all day, you are not getting any exercise. The simple lack of exercise and act of living a sedentary lifestyle will likely lead to weight gain. Plus, people tend to eat while they sit. If you are watching TV or working while you eat, you will probably eat more than a regular portion just due to distraction. Sitting and eating all day long will make you gain weight.

Sitting too much affects blood flow, which can impact sugar retention and turn into diabetes. Plus, weight gain caused by sitting can unexpectedly turn into diabetes. The more you sit, the higher your body mass index will go, and more stress will be put on your body. This can greatly affect your sugar levels and how your body processes sugars. This is just another example of how sitting can be almost as bad for your health as smoking!
Lower Back Pain

You may instinctively think that sitting down will relax your back. However, sitting too much can lead to severe back pain. Sitting too much can lead to posture misalignment, weakening of your core muscles, and lessening of your spine. All of this can lead to bad lower back pain that will be present whether you are standing or sitting. It can be impossible to get comfortable!

We all know that smoking can cause many different types of cancer. But did you know that sitting can also cause cancer? Doctors have found that living a sedentary lifestyle can be linked to cancer. Extra weight is also a cancer risk, which can be a side effect of sitting excessively. The bottom line is that you need to get up and get moving!

You may think that you would have tons of energy after sitting all day, but the opposite is actually true. Many people feel more tired and lazy after sitting all day long. You may even start to feel tired in the middle of the workday as your sedentary body does not want to get up and move around. You may feel overtired or unmotivated after a day of sitting.
Combat Excessive Sitting

There are a few simple ways to combat excessive sitting and make sure you do not get all the terrible side effects that sitting may have. We know that not everyone has a flexible job that will allow them to stand and work or work in a more active setting. So, if you have to sit all day, you may want to take a look at these two tips to help discourage too much sitting.
Get Up and Move

The most logical way to reverse the effect of too much sitting is to get up and move around. Stop sitting all day long and go for a run go to a gym or just go for a quick walk outside with a friend. Movement will help keep you healthy while sitting in a chair will not give you any health benefits.
Change How You Work

If you have to work at a computer or desk all day long, consider buying a standing desk for your office that will allow you to get out of your chair and continue working while you stand. Just standing burns two times the calories of sitting. You can even look for a desk treadmill so you can walk and work! Now, that is a fantastic and creative solution to excessive sitting.
If you have to sit, consider wearing compression socks which will help with the tired, achy feeling in your legs caused by excessive sitting. This is an easy solution to make you feel better when you have to sit.
This article was inspired by an article on Yale Medicine.