Why Everyone Over 50 Should Consider Swedish Death Cleaning

Get ready to discover the new style of cleaning that has everyone over the age of 50 reaching for their trash bags. Swedish death cleaning!

This type of cleaning might sound a bit morbid at first, but it’s actually a simple and refreshing way to declutter your life. It’s all about making life easier for yourself and those around you while also enjoying a more minimalist lifestyle at a time in your life when you don’t need much to be happy. It’s kind of fun to go through your belongings and keep only what really matters. So, take a deep look at this Scandinavian tradition and how it can bring a little more clarity and joy into your life.

What is Swedish Death Cleaning?

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Swedish death cleaning is a method of organizing and cleaning your home that became popular thanks to the book The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning by Margareta Magnusson. It is a way to declutter your home and let go of possessions you no longer need. 

Idea Behind Death Cleaning

woman frusturated while cleaning with sponge in hand
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The idea for death cleaning came about when Magnusson was cleaning out her mother’s home after her mother had passed. The process of cleaning out the house was extremely emotional and difficult, as she had to look at her mother’s worldly possessions while simultaneously grieving her loss. 

Who is Death Cleaning For?

senior woman cleaning with hair in ponytail
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The creator of death cleaning believes that this method of cleaning should be mainly for people 50 or older. It is for people who are entering the second half of their lives and should consider what material items are essential to life. However, if you want to live a minimalist life or simply completely declutter your home, death cleaning will also work for you. 

What to Throw Away

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Consider the items in your home and what they mean to you. If you do not remember why you bought an item or why it has meaning in your life, you do not need it. Magnusson says “If you don’t remember why a thing has meaning or why you kept it, it has no worth, and it will be easier for you to part with.”

Memories are Forever

woman packing up baby clothes
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A big part of death cleaning is realizing that you don’t need material items to preserve a memory. Memories of good experiences exist whether you have an item in your home or not. You can throw away the item, but you can never get rid of a good memory. So why keep the clutter? You really don’t need it.

Consider Your Loved Ones

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As you throw away the items in your home that hold no meaning, remember your loved ones. After you pass away, they will be the ones who need to go through all your things and decide what to keep and throw away. This process is quite challenging and emotionally draining. You do not want to leave that burden on your family! Removing unnecessary items now is much kinder to the ones you love in the long run. 

Why The Word Death?

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This cleaning method was first designed to streamline life with your ultimate death in mind. You want to declutter your home so you leave less behind after you pass. It helps prepare your home for your loved ones, giving them less to sort through when they ultimately need to clean out your house. However, that is not the only reason for using the Swedish death cleaning method. 

Streamline Your Life

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Getting rid of unnecessary items is a great way to live a simpler life. Not only does this cleaning method encourage throwing away items that are not important, but it also discourages purchasing new items. Rather than shopping, find a new hobby or visit with family and friends. Focus on you and living your life to the fullest rather than accumulating trinkets and items. 

Start in the Closets

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When death cleaning, you should start with the items you can’t see in the main living spaces. Go through the closets, storage space and even check under the bed. The hidden things you don’t even remember owning are the easiest to throw away. 

Move on to Clothes

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Immediately throw away any clothes that you have not worn in ages. There is simply no reason to keep clothing that you do not wear. Things that are stained, ripped, or from your high school years should definitely go. Consider donating quality clothes, which will also make you feel altruistic and happy. 

Save Personal Items for the Last

woman showing kids a photo album
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Personal effects such as letters, photographs, and memorabilia is the hardest to go through. Throw away items that no longer hold meaning but do keep the things that you truly cherish. You do not need to throw everything away but be smart about what you choose to keep. 

How Long Does Death Cleaning Take?

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Swedish death cleaning is an ongoing process. It is more of a mindset shift rather than a single weekend project. As you go through your home on a daily basis, consider items and throw them away gradually. Do not rush out to buy more things that you do not need. This is a permanent change and way of organizing your home that should make your everyday life neater, cleaner, and happier. 

Good For You, For Your Family, And Others

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Death cleaning is a win-win solution for everyone. First, it benefits you. Having a messy house often means having a messy brain. Getting rid of what no longer serves you will bring clarity into your daily life. Second, it benefits the people you love. As we mentioned, they won’t have to go through your dearest possessions once you pass away, making the hard decision of what to keep and what to throw away. Third, it benefits others as you can donate plenty of books, jewelry, and clothes to those in need. A win-win-win situation for all!

Involving People

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Death cleaning often gets a bad reputation because the word ‘death’ is in it. But this process doesn’t have to be sad or nostalgic. It can be a fun family activity! Why not involve your partner, sons, and daughters—maybe even your friends? Put on some nice music and start decluttering. It may even help you create new, nice memories with your loved ones.

Enjoy Living with Less

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Once you finish death cleaning, your home will likely feel a lot less cluttered and much more organized. You will probably enjoy this new space and cleanliness. It is also a lot easier to maintain a home that has less stuff. Dusting is easier, laundry will be less, and stuff won’t fall out of the closets every time you open the doors. Not only will death cleaning give your family less to organize after you pass, but it will also be enjoyable for you in the present.

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