16 Clear Indicators You Could Be Dealing with a Narcissist

boss yelling at employee in office

Do you think that you are dealing with a narcissist? This can be so exhausting and emotionally draining that you will be left feeling depleted after just one day with a narcissistic person. These types of people never take responsibility, disregard others’ feelings, and have an inflated sense of self-worth. If this sounds like a friend of yours, identifying whether they might be a true narcissist can help you figure out your next steps. Maybe you want to encourage them to seek help, or maybe you just want to walk away. But how can you tell for sure? Drawing insights from Mind Body Green and Cleveland Clinic, we have a few telltale traits that many narcissists tend to have. Consider these, think about the people you know, and then make some hard choices!

They Can Never Be Wrong

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In their list of narcissistic traits, Mind Body Green states that a narcissist has an inherent need to be right, all the time, about literally everything. It could even be about the most trivial thing. It doesn’t matter to someone with NPD. This can be so enervating for those around them as no matter what, they will never admit they are wrong, and you are right.

A Constant Need For Attention

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They will try to grab your attention by any means necessary if it means the focus is on them and only them. As long as the attention is on them, they’re happy. Experts also say that for a narcissist, validation only counts if it comes from other people. This means that if you have a narcissistic person in your life, he will probably be unable to help you through tough times.

Anything Less Than Perfect Is Unacceptable

Black woman unequal pay
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Narcissists need everything to be perfect, as told by Mind Body Green. That goes for themselves, you, and any event about to take place. Everything needs to pan out precisely as they have envisioned it; otherwise, they won’t be happy. And who’s fault is it? Well, it’s not the narc, that’s for sure… (Subtle sarcasm if you missed it). This situation can be highly toxic if the narcissist in question is your boss.

A Lack Of Empathy

boss yelling at female employee
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If you’re going through it, then don’t expect a narcissist to show you any empathy. A doctor at Cleveland Clinic explains that it’s because they aren’t naturally inclined to be interested in anyone else other than themselves. Compassion isn’t a word that a narc understands very well. So, if you have a problem or you are feeling extremely sad, keep in mind you won’t be able to count on them.

They Lack The Ability To Feel Guilt

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Similarly to the last trait, a narcissist’s ability to feel guilt for doing wrong is pretty much non-existent because they don’t ever think they are wrong. They feel that they are never at fault for anything, and even if they were, chances are they wouldn’t care anyway. So, expect them to threaten you badly and never apologize for what they did, whether they wasted your time, called you names, and so on.

Boundaries Are Not Respected

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The narcissist believes that everything belongs to them, and they feel as though everyone else thinks the same way they do. This means that they won’t think twice about taking something that belongs to you. A narcissist feels as though they are entitled to everything. They may eat your food without asking for permissions, or grab your phone to check your messages.

They Have A Need To Control Everything

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A narcissist wants to be in control of everyone and everything, and their sense of entitlement suggests to them that they absolutely should be. No questions asked. Their idea, points of view, opinions, and advice are always the best. This means they know better than you how you should live your life and will try everything in their power to manipulate and control you.

They Will Often Project Their Anxiety Onto Others

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Just because they seem to have an overinflated ego doesn’t mean that a narcissist isn’t without their insecurities; they just tend to bury them or project them onto other people – often making others feel bad about themselves in the process. If you often feel belittled by one of your friends, chances are that you are dealing with a narcissist. Consider whether it’s worth it.

A Grandiose Sense Of Self-Importance

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Humble isn’t a word that a narcissist can relate to. Experts state that they will often brag about who they are, what they have, and everything they have achieved. Additionally, putting others down also helps them to feel better about themselves. Is one of your friends constantly bragging about what he did and achieved? You’re probably dealing with a narcissist!

Frequent Envy

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While experts say that a narcissist believes they should be envied, they are no strangers to the green-eyed monster. They believe they deserve the best and will often belittle other people’s successes to make themselves feel better. So, they won’t congratulate you on that award or promotion. On the contrary! They will make you feel bad about it, saying it wasn’t that big of a thing.

Fantasizing About What They Think They Deserve

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We all daydream from time to time. However, a person with a narcissistic personality disorder uses this as a defense mechanism because, in reality, they have very low self-esteem. Cleveland Clinic explains that these fantasies allow them to live as who they believe they are, as opposed to who they truly are. They may spend hours imagining themselves being extra rich and successful.

A Need For Admiration

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A narcissist needs to be admired by others, and they seek validation from everyone around them. They do believe that they are amazing, yet they need you to say this, too! This helps feed their ego and the idea that they are as good as they think they are and that everyone around them should be grateful to be in their company. We mere mortals aren’t worthy…


woman making an exasperated expression gesture on a bad date
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Narcissists often exploit people for personal gain, consciously or unconsciously. For instance, they may choose to date someone or hang out with specific friends merely based on what they can give them, such as wealth and status. You won’t become their friend if you cannot improve their life. So, think about it. Can your friends or partners benefit from you in any way?

Shifting Blame

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If something goes well, they are always the ones to praise, but when something doesn’t go according to plan, you can be sure it’s never their fault. Narcissists often blame other people for their wrongdoings because they cannot admit they are at fault. As we said earlier, they are always right, so you are at fault. It is your fault if they are angry, it is your fault if they are late, and so on.

New Souls

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A new soul is a term used by those who believe in reincarnation to refer to people who have reincarnated only a few times as opposed to those who are near enlightenment. While the latter tends to know what truly matters in life, the former tends to give importance to what doesn’t matter, from money to power, success, beauty, etc. Narcissists are often of this second type.


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Gaslighting is another common behavior among narcissists. They may deny they did something even though you clearly remember them doing so. Why? Otherwise, they would have to admit they were at fault. They will try their best to make you question your sanity if you do not agree with them or have proof that they did something wrong. For instance, they may say that everyone agrees with them but you, even though this is false.

That article was inspired by Mind Body Green and Cleveland Clinic.

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