15 Sure Signs You’re Transforming Into Your Best Self

Did someone tell you that the human brain is fully mature only when we reach our 25th year? Whether this is true or not, one thing is certain. We can keep growing and becoming better people throughout our lives. Yet, most of us have never even started working on this. This is a pity because self-improvement is the key to leading a more fulfilled life. If you are into self-development and follow podcasts on the topic while reading books guiding you through this personal journey, you may be wondering whether your efforts are effective. Here are 15 signs that say yes!

Starting New Hobbies

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Discovering new interests and starting new hobbies are indicators of personal growth. When you become passionate about new and exciting activities, it proves that you are evolving. Exploring new hobbies can be exhilarating and shows your willingness to change and grow as you continue through life. While you may not love everything you try, it is still good to learn and explore new interests.

Accepting Mistakes

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Everyone makes mistakes. It’s simply unavoidable. When you learn to accept them and grow from those mistakes, it is a sign that you are becoming a better person. Look at the mistakes you make and find the lessons within the errors. Try not to make the same mistakes twice! Accepting that you are human and not perfect is a sign of immense growth.

Saying No

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Learning to say no is a huge indicator that you are growing as a person. It is easy to always say yes and go with the flow. When you start saying no and expressing your feelings, you are growing up! Assess every situation, and don’t be afraid to say no! You will be much happier when you learn how to say no to the things you do not want and start prioritizing yourself instead.

Stop Focusing on Others’ Opinions of You

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When you stop dwelling on what others think of you, you are definitely growing. One sure sign of personal growth is that you do not care how others feel about you. You are secure in your skin, and the outside opinions of others no longer affect you. This attitude will surely lead you in the right direction! This being said, don’t forget that sometimes listening to your friends’ opinions can be extremely useful.

Positive Outlook on Life

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When we adopt a positive attitude towards life, we all benefit. People who consistently maintain a positive outlook are often those we admire and aspire to emulate. When you find yourself taking a positive approach to life, you become the person you want to be! Moving away from the negative and into the positive is the way to live life, so embrace gratitude.

Develop New Routines

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Have you started going to be earlier? Or maybe you began exercising more often. When your daily routines start to shift, it is a sign of personal growth. Developing new habits is a sign that you are not afraid to change. Make sure the changes you make to your routines are positive, and you are sure to be on a better track, whether it’s about having a healthy breakfast or prioritizing physical exercise.

Condensed Social Circle

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If you find your group of friends getting smaller, this may be a sign of personal growth. You are learning who is the most important in your life and cutting out the people who do not bring you happiness. A close-knit group of friends is much better than a large group of toxic people. When your friendships evolve, it means you are changing too!

More Productive Days

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Do you find yourself getting more and more projects done each day? This can be a sign of personal growth! You are pushing yourself to do more and achieve more on a daily basis. Prioritizing your time and bettering your life is invaluable. Not only will you accomplish more, but you will feel better at the end of the day just knowing that you made an impact.

Setting Goals

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Looking toward the future and setting goals is a sign of maturity. This can be anything, such as changing your job, learning a new language, or playing an instrument. While it’s important to live in the present, planning for tomorrow is essential. If you find yourself setting goals and planning for the future, you are already demonstrating increased maturity. Just imagine how much you will have grown once you achieve those goals!

Increased Patience

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Patience is a hard life skill to master. It can be a challenge to be patient in your day-to-day life. When you find yourself having more patience with others, it is a sign you are growing as a person. Acting and speaking with patience is a wonderful quality that we should all strive for. It is a waste of time to yell, scream, and lose control when you could just be calm and mature.

Saving Your Money

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Mature people are much more financially stable than those who are just starting out in life. If you find yourself valuing your savings rather than spending on materialistic things, you are definitely growing as a person. Saving your money is also a sign that you are planning for the future rather than living frivolously. This is just one more sign of growth!

Increased Independence

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While having friends, family, and a partner you can rely on is wonderful, it is also important to have independence. Finding that you are becoming more independent is a sign that you are evolving and growing. Doing more on your own and for yourself can be challenging at first, but it will help you become a better person. Mature people can depend on themselves financially, emotionally, and in day-to-day tasks.

Continuing Education

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One of the best things you can do to continue to grow as a person is to never stop learning. Choose a topic that interests you and study it! You can simply read articles online about your new interest, or you can even try to get a degree in the field. Education should be a lifelong journey that never ends, even though most people quit after graduation.

Commit to Long Term Plans

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Many people have a hard time committing to long-term plans. We are fine making plans for the weekend, but thinking about the future is intimidating and overwhelming. When you are able to make long-term plans and commit to something in the future, it is a sign of personal growth. It shows you’re capable of envisioning and working towards your future goals with confidence.


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When we are young, we often adopt the approach ‘either my way or nothing at all.’ Growing up means accepting other people’s opinions and views of life, even when they don’t match yours. Admitting that you may not be right on every topic and that others are free to think whatever they want is crucial for self-development. Accepting others for who they are is key.

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