15 Things You Should Never, Ever Apologize For

plus sized woman in a blue dress

We live in a world that pushes us to blend in, tone down our quirks, and say “sorry” far more often than we should. Over time, those unnecessary apologies can become second nature, and they can quietly chip away at your confidence and identity. We looked to therapist Jeff Guenther to see why we get stuck in this cycle and how to break free. So, are you ready to stop with the reflexive “sorry” and reclaim your self-worth? Here are a few things you should never apologize for. This article was inspired by the Instagram account of therapist Jeff Guenther.

Note: The content of this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Always consult with a qualified professional for advice tailored to your individual circumstances.

How You Feel

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Your feelings are valid, and you don’t owe anyone an apology for experiencing them. Whether you’re feeling joyful, sad, or anything in between, those emotions are part of being human. Apologizing for your feelings can make you feel less authentic and often diminishes the importance of what you’re experiencing. Instead, you should embrace your emotions. Let yourself express what you feel without explaining or minimizing it. Remember, your feelings contribute to your unique perspective on life.

How You Look

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Society has set unrealistic standards for beauty, and it’s time to stop apologizing for how you look. You can wear a messy bun or a polished look if you want. Your appearance is a reflection of your unique style. Feeling good in your skin is more important than fitting into someone else’s mold. When you apologize for your looks, you send a message that you’re uncomfortable with yourself. Try to focus on what makes you feel confident and express that! Embrace your individuality and your vibe.

How Old You Are

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Age is just a number, but it sometimes comes with expectations and stereotypes. Stop apologizing for your age, whether you’re in your twenties, thirties, or beyond. Each stage of life has its own beauty and wisdom, and your experiences are unique to you. Embrace where you are and what you’ve learned along the way. Apologizing for your age can undermine your accomplishments and the journey you’ve taken to get here. Celebrate your milestones, no matter how big or small, and no matter how unique they are to you.

How Tired You Are

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Feeling tired is a natural part of life. Whether you’re juggling work, school, or just personal projects, don’t apologize for needing some rest time. Listening to your fatigue is important for your mental and physical well-being. When you apologize for being tired, you risk neglecting your need for self-care. Instead, prioritize your personal well-being and communicate your needs clearly. Everyone gets tired, and taking a break is a sign of strength, not weakness.

How Sensitive You Are

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Being sensitive isn’t a flaw. It’s actually a strength that lets you empathize and connect more deeply with others. And still, so many of us apologize for our sensitivity from fear of judgment or misunderstanding. Instead of downplaying your feelings, embrace them! Sensitivity means you have a rich emotional base, and it’s okay to feel things deeply. This is what makes you human. By accepting your sensitivity, you can create a supportive environment where others feel safe to express themselves, too.

How Successful You Are

Happy woman celebrating success
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Stop apologizing for your success! Whether it’s a promotion, a creative project, or a personal goal that you achieved, your accomplishments deserve to be celebrated. Embracing your success boosts your confidence and inspires others to pursue their dreams. Your hard work and determination have led you to this point. Instead of shying away from your achievements, share them proudly. You’ve earned every bit of your success, so own it and let it motivate you to aim even higher.

Where You Come From

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Your background shapes who you are, and it’s something to be proud of, not something to apologize for. It doesn’t matter if you come from a small town or a big city. It contributes to your unique perspective and experiences. Apologizing for where you’re from can diminish your life story. Instead, embrace your roots and share your journey with others. Every background has its challenges and perks, and by owning yours, you can show others how to accept this part of themselves, too.

What You’re Okay With

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Setting boundaries is super important for your mental and emotional health. Don’t apologize for what you’re okay with or what you’re not. It’s perfectly fine to have preferences and limits, and communicating them clearly can foster healthier relationships in your life. When you apologize for your boundaries, people might feel more entitled to cross and over-step them. Remember that your comfort matters and by standing firm in what you’re okay with, you teach others how to treat you.

How Much You Can (Or Can’t) Tolerate

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Everyone has different measurements for what they can handle in life, and that’s perfectly normal. Stop apologizing for your limits! Acknowledging your own capacity is a form of respecting yourself, whether it’s emotional stress, workload, or social situations. When you push past your limits, you risk burnout and resentment, which can negatively impact your well-being. If you know how much you can tolerate, you empower yourself to make choices that align with your needs.

Changing Your Mind

woman looking at phone while at work
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Life is all about growth and learning, and that sometimes means changing your mind. Stop apologizing for evolving your opinions or decisions when you grow. It takes a lot of strength and self-awareness to recognize when something no longer serves you. Leaning into change can be scary, but it’s also essential for personal development. When you apologize for shifting your perspective, you might accidentally hinder your own growth. Celebrate the courage it takes to adapt and evolve.

Where You Are On Your Journey To Healing

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Healing is a personal process that takes time, and everyone’s journey looks different. Stop apologizing for where you are on that path. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out or have been on the journey for a while. Your experience is valid. Comparing your healing process to others can bring pressure and self-doubt into your life. Instead, honor your timeline and recognize your progress, no matter how small. It’s okay to be in a messy phase; healing isn’t linear.

Your Dreams & Ambitions

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Whatever you do, don’t apologize for your dreams and ambitions. Big or small, your aspirations are a reflection of your passions and desires. Society sometimes tries to minimize our dreams, telling us to be realistic or to settle. But your dreams are valid and worth pursuing if they are important to you. Embrace your ambitions without fear of judgment from others. When you share your dreams confidently, you inspire others to do the same. Remember that you have a right to choose to follow your ambitions.

Your Natural Abilities

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Some people are simply more athletic, more coordinated, or just better at certain things in life. Genetics can often come into play when it comes to our natural abilities, and being good at something is not a thing you need to apologize for. If you are an incredible painter, a star soccer player, or if you have a perfect pitch when you sign, don’t apologize for that! Embrace your natural abilities and let them shine!

Your Body Shape

curvy woman in a striped sweater
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You don’t owe anyone an apology for the shape of your body or what it can do. It’s uniquely yours and deserves love and respect just as it is. Besides, some things about your body are completely out of your control. You can’t apologize for genetics! Your body is not up for debate if you’re curvy, slim, tall, short, or anything in between. Own it, celebrate it, and never feel the need to explain it.

This article was inspired by the Instagram account of therapist Jeff Guenther.

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