16 Warning Signs That You Have a Real Addiction

We all know addiction is incredibly difficult to deal with and fight. This, together with societal stigma, may be one of the reasons why we are all so reluctant to admit that we are struggling with one. However, only by admitting to ourselves and our closest friends and relatives that we are struggling with addiction can we start working on our problem and finally take all the necessary steps to address it. If you think you may be a victim of addiction, this is the article for you. According to the Cleveland Clinic’s are 15 signs you may have a problem with addiction.

Note: The content of this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Always consult with a qualified professional for advice tailored to your individual circumstances.

Escalating Behavior

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One of the hallmark signs of a hidden addiction is the need to increase the behavior to achieve the same level of satisfaction. Whether it’s spending more time online, buying more items, or working out excessively, this escalation is a red flag. Initially, what may have started as a harmless habit or hobby can gradually turn into an obsessive behavior that dominates your time and energy.

Loss Of Control

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If you find it hard to stop or reduce a certain behavior despite wanting to, this indicates a loss of control. Hidden addictions often manifest in an inability to regulate the frequency or intensity of the behavior. This lack of control can seep into all aspects of life, making you feel helpless and frustrated. You might promise yourself and others that you’ll cut back, only to find yourself repeating the same patterns.

Always Preoccupied

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You may find it difficult to focus on conversations or tasks because your mind is always occupied with thoughts about your addiction. Being constantly preoccupied with a particular activity or behavior could indicate an underlying addiction. This mental preoccupation can distract you from other important areas of your life, such as work, family, and personal growth.

Neglecting Responsibility

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Neglect is a significant warning sign when behavior interferes with one’s responsibilities (work, family, or social obligations). Neglect can manifest in different ways, including missing work deadlines, neglecting household chores, or failing to spend quality time with loved ones. The consequences of this neglect can accumulate over time, causing real damage to one’s life.


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Similar to substance addiction, tolerance develops with hidden addictions. You may find that you need to engage in the behavior more frequently or intensely to achieve the same sense of satisfaction or relief. This increase in tolerance can lead to more extreme behaviors and a deeper entrenchment in the addiction, like a shopping addiction that is no longer satisfied by a few online deliveries.

Having Withdrawl Symptoms

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Experiencing discomfort or distress when you can’t engage in the behavior is indicative of withdrawal symptoms. These can be emotional, such as anxiety or irritability, and are a strong indicator of hidden addiction. Physical symptoms might also arise, depending on the nature of the addiction. For instance, someone addicted to exercise might feel restless and anxious if they miss a workout.

Constantly Using Something As An Escape

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This one might be common knowledge, but engaging in a behavior to escape from reality, stress, or emotional pain is a common sign of addiction. This avoidance mechanism can temporarily alleviate discomfort but ultimately perpetuates the cycle of addiction. Using vices such as drinking, smoking, or eating as an escape won’t help you heal what’s causing the issue in the first place.


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Keeping the behavior a secret from others or feeling ashamed and guilty about it is a clear sign. Secrecy often accompanies hidden addictions, as individuals fear judgment or disapproval from others. This secrecy can lead to isolation, as you withdraw from any social interactions to hide your behavior from others. Try your best to open up with a friend or relative and seek support.

Impacting Relationships

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Addictive behaviors can strain relationships. If you notice increasing conflicts, isolation, or complaints from loved ones about your behavior, it may be a sign that the addiction is affecting your social life. Relationships require time, attention, and emotional investment, all of which can be compromised by an addiction. This strain can lead to misunderstandings, resentment, and a communication breakdown.

Financial Problems

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Hidden addictions often lead to financial difficulties in your life. Whether it’s spending excessively on shopping, gambling, or other activities, an addiction can quickly drain resources and lead to debt. The financial strain can add another layer of stress and anxiety, exacerbating the addiction. You might find yourself borrowing money, using credit cards irresponsibly, or even engaging in dishonest behavior.

Compulsive Behavior

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Feeling compelled to engage in behavior even when it doesn’t make sense or align with your goals can indicate an addiction. Compulsive actions and behaviors often override rational decision-making, neglecting responsibilities or engaging in risky actions. Recognizing the compulsivity can help you understand the depth of the addiction and seek strategies to regain control.

Failed Attempts To Stop Or Quit A Behavior/Habit

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Trying your hardest to stop or quit something and repeatedly failing can be a sign of addiction. These unsuccessful attempts highlight the difficulty in overcoming the compulsion without proper help and support. Each failed attempt can erode your confidence and increase feelings of hopelessness. It’s important to remember that there are professionals that can help you figure it out.


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One of the biggest signs of addiction is denial. Many people who struggle with addiction refuse to see the problem. They are convinced that nothing is wrong and they do not need to change. It often takes family and friends to point out the issue. Denying that you have a problem will not help fix it! Awareness is the first step towards your healing journey.

Intense Focus

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Someone who is struggling with an addiction often becomes hyper-fixated on the thing that they are addicted to. They only think about that one thing, and their entire life starts to revolve around it. They often feel like this thing has taken over their whole life, and, very often, it has. If you are overly focused on one thing and it is consuming your life, you may have a serious addiction problem.

Risky Behaviors

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Engaging in risky behaviors is another clear sign that you are dealing with an addiction. An example? You may be driving under the influence of alcohol and smoking in areas that are at high risk of catching fire, such as at a gas station. Take a second and evaluate whether you engaged in any sort of risky behaviors in the last month. If yes, it may be time to talk to someone about it.

This article was inspired by The Cleveland Clinic‘s information on addiction.

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